Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When Driving Doesn't Suck

I do not profess to be a lover of driving. After a few minor car accidents, one very bad accident, one day where Justin and I were both in fairly bad accidents within 30 minutes of each other, and a handful of occasions where mechanical failures have left me in embarrassing and binding situations... I just do not love cars.

I think they are dangerous. I think people are careless in them. I think I am careless in them [clearly displayed in the images below], even when I try not to be and make an effort to be exceptionally careful. And, it's boring. Traffic sucks. It takes a long time and I am not an incredibly patient person. I would so much rather the morph and teleporting method to driving any day, granted we re-molecularize properly and in one cohesive piece.

There are, though, a few wonderful things about driving that do not seem able to occur in any other setting. Like today for example. Once I broke through the disgusting maze of metal on wheels that is Beach Blvd. [coming home from a radio interview with Angela Robinson of The Color Purple on v101.5], I broke into one of those almost spiritual moments I sometimes have in cars.

The traffic faded. The sun was setting, nearly blinding me, but creating an opalescent sky that could take my breath away. And "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum was wafting out of speakers and into my mind.

 Florida and its sunsets. 

Blinded. [Safe? I think not.] And taking photos. [Doubly unsafe.]

Oh set me up with the spirit in the sky
That's where I'm gonna go when I die
When I die and they lay me to rest
I'm gonna go to the place that's the best
- "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum

**Loving all the Jesus imagery in the video.


Alliedahl said...

I'm always worried about re-molecularizing properly.. ! said...
